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Stick A Fork In ‘Em

By Wyatt Earp | November 20, 2006

The Philadelphia Eagles are officially done.

Curiously, it has little to do with Donovan McNabb’s season-ending injury. It does, however, have everything to do with head coach Andy Reid and his utter incompetence on game day. This is a man without a plan, and it becomes more and more obvious every week. Andy Reid is the Washington Generals of the NFL.

Since I believe that even the poorest student can eventually learn a simple task, I offer Mr. Reid a few football wisdom nuggets:

Football is a Contact Sport. Thus, players can and will receive injuries on the field. A good coach (not you) is prepared for all contingencies, in case someone, like, say, your quarterback, goes down during the game.

The Clock is Ticking. Football is based on four fifteen-minute quarters. Every team has only a limited number of time outs. Taking a timeout in the first quarter for nonsense (as you usually do) means that you will have one less timeout later in the game. It’s simple mathematics!

Good Players Can Help You Win. For some reason, this truism is lost on most Philadelphia teams. A talented player will pay dividends on the field. A less talented player, like, say, your entire run defense, will let a doormat team like the Tennessee Titans embarrass you on your own field.

There you go, Andy; a few helpful hints from your old pal Wyatt. Learn them, live them, and love them.

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