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O.J. Simpson Is Back!

By Wyatt Earp | November 15, 2006

Will someone please tell me why the hell this double murderer doesn’t just keep his felonious mouth shut?

“LOS ANGELES – Fox plans to broadcast an interview with O.J. Simpson in which the former football star discusses ‘how he would have committed’ the slayings of his ex-wife and her friend, for which he was acquitted, the network said.”

Oh, O.J. is going to discuss how “he would have committed” the slayings? That should be a stretch for him, huh? YOU DID IT, YOU A-HOLE! JUST ADMIT IT, THEY CAN’T PROSECUTE YOU FOR IT NOW!!!

“The two-part interview, titled ‘O.J. Simpson: If I Did It, Here’s How It Happened,’ will air Nov. 27 and Nov. 29, the TV network said.” (H/T – )

Just when you thought Fox couldn’t get any lower. I cannot believe that this is the same network that gave us 24, House, and Prison Break. Maybe we’ll get lucky and Ron Goldman will pull a jack Ruby on him as he exits the studios.

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