The Jerkass Of The Week
By Wyatt Earp | September 28, 2006
Just when you thought it was safe to turn on MSNBC.
Former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Terry McAuliffe – you remember him, he’s the one who was in charge when the Dems lost power – was on MSNBC Tuesday night and (among other things) ranted about The Vast Fox News Conspiracy. First up: the despicable ambush on President Clinton by Chris Wallace:
“I know Chris Wallace. I have appeared on the Fox Sunday show many times with Chris Wallace. Let me be crystal clear. Roger Ailes pays his paycheck. He is a tool for the Republican Party, and that’s fine. I still go on his show, I still like Chris, but he is what he is.”
Oh, it gets better. Major metropolitan newspapers have been drawn into the conspiracy as well:
“I don’t think they were caught up in paralyzing debates, nor did Bill Clinton, and that’s why he reacted, because the Washington Post, and I disagree, sometimes (unintelligible) and they might be in with Fox News, too. But just because some reporter or journalist writes it doesn’t mean it.”
Eh, what? The Washington Post is “in” with Fox News as well? Maybe Terry should pull a Bill Clinton and not inhale.
Congratulations Terry McAuliffe, you’re SYLG’s Jerkass of the Week!
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