Archive for August, 2006
« Previous Entries Next Entries »"Break" Out The Party Favors!
Monday, August 21st, 2006Prison Break returns tonight! When we last left our anti-heroes, they were running through the countryside with Bellick and his shotgun-wielding guards in hot pursuit. T-Bag was trying to keep up, sans hand, courtesy of crime boss John Abruzzi. Dr. Sara was dead of a heroin overdose . . . or was she? And Veronica [...]
The Amazing Race
Sunday, August 20th, 2006I just found out that I am a racist. After posting about soon-to-be-former Philadelphia Police Recruit Howard Neil, Jr., someone posted a comment that I am a racist, even though I simply posted excerpts from the Philadelphia Daily News article. The article, as well as my post, never mentioned the race of Mr. Neil or [...]
Just The Carfax, Ma’am
Saturday, August 19th, 2006Junior, pitting before his controversial victory. Wow, this is really gonna sound hypocritical, but I love Dale Earnhardt, Jr. Junior won today’s Carfax 250 at Michigan International Speedway by spinning Carl Edwards out of the way with two laps to go. Normally, spinning another driver to get to Victory Lane is shunned here at SYLG, [...]
Pimpin’ Ain’t Easy
Saturday, August 19th, 2006Here are a few blog links to get you through your weekend. Unlike Fidel Castro, GOP and the City’s Weekend Caption Contest is up and running. Post your entry now. Or later, since he won’t be back until Monday, 8/28. RT has a unique contest going on over at Public Pondering. Limericks. I’m not kidding. [...]
Stupid Questions
Saturday, August 19th, 2006How can Donovan “Overrated” McNabb possibly say the Eagles are a Super Bowl team with a straight face? Why do reporters identify high-profile killers by their middle name? How many times can I hear about John Mark Karr? What moron thought it would be a good idea to have Paris “I’m A Whore” Hilton be [...]
Bonjour, Commander Frog!
Friday, August 18th, 2006As I wrote previously, the French “military” decided to only send twenty officers and about two hundred “troops” to Lebanon to participate in the United Nations peacekeeping force. Who so few? Top Ten Reasons France Scaled Back Their Military Commitment. 10. Still exhausted from watching the Tour de France.9. They don’t respect the United Nations [...]
An Important Message
Friday, August 18th, 2006(This week’s PIH is below.) Little Miss Chatterbox sent me an e-mail today asking why there weren’t any new posts. I thought she was screwing with my head since I posted four times yesterday, but she said that when SYLG came up, the last post with the Blogger comments was at the top of the [...]
People I Hate
Friday, August 18th, 2006Arizona Drivers My friend Kevin told me that the drivers in his state sucked arse, but I had no idea how right he was. Maybe I am spoiled by “city livin’,” but the lackadaisical attitude of the dopes behind the wheel there were enough to make me drink and drive . . . and shoot [...]
Battlestar Galacticsimpsons
Thursday, August 17th, 2006I dearly wish more of my readers would watch The Sci-Fi Channel’s Battlestar Galactica. Not only is it one of the best shows on television, but you would also think that these are the funniest cartoons you have seen in a very long time. This one of Starbuck still has me laughing! (Hat Tip: Randal [...]
A Two-Year Old "Man"
Thursday, August 17th, 2006GOP and the City is two years old today! That’s right, the home of Weekend Caption Contests, sarcastic Al Gore logos, and Cynthia McKinney excuses is having a birthday. Stop by and help him blow out the candles.
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