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Day From Hell

By Wyatt Earp | May 30, 2006

Someone check to see if there’s a full moon.

6:25am – Woke up five minutes early. Still sore from Sunday’s run. That can’t be a good sign.

7:45am – Arrived at work, only to be informed the three-body burglary/stolen car arrest I spent all day working on was declined by the district attorney. According to the D.A., my story was not sufficient enough for the charges to stick. Three guilty-as-sin juveniles were subsequently let go. Good detective? Not so much.

9:00am – The officers who arrested the cherubs were just informed that they were released. The next ten minutes were spent calming their sergeant down.

11:00am – My second investigation of the day – even though some detectives haven’t gotten their first – involves a homeless man pushing a hospital security guard down a flight of concrete steps. The homeless man gets away, and the guard was being worked on in the trauma unit. It’s just another day in paradise.

12:00pm – Good news, everyone! The wife calls and says we’ll be having our Memorial Day BBQ a day late. On the menu: hot dogs, corn on the cob, and potato salad. Diet be damned!

2:00pm – The boss wants me to submit warrants for the three juveniles, but since I have off on Wednesday and Thursday, it can wait.

4:00pm – I am outta here! There will be brain medicine (read: Guinness) flowing tonight! Especially since it’s 95 degrees in Philly today.

Topics: Uncategorized | 6 Comments »

6 Responses to “Day From Hell”

  1. rt Says:
    May 30th, 2006 at 5:16 pm

    The moon is “waxing crescent, 14 percent of full.”

    I guess that information does not bode well for the rest of your week.

    Have a good one! :)

  2. rt Says:
    May 30th, 2006 at 5:17 pm

    Oh…you could blame it all on the humidity….I live across the river…it was nasty today, eh?

  3. SK Says:
    May 30th, 2006 at 5:43 pm

    It’s only 95? Enjoy the cool weather! Oh, enjoy your days off too, sounds like you need a break.

  4. linda Says:
    May 30th, 2006 at 6:21 pm

    Sure hope none of your food is touching! ha

    Cool down and roll around on the floor with your kids!

    It’s HOT down here, too!

  5. The Conservative UAW Guy Says:
    May 30th, 2006 at 7:29 pm

    I heart Guiness.

  6. Michael Hodges Says:
    May 31st, 2006 at 12:02 pm

    *homer* mmmmmm… Guuuuiiiinnnneesssss..