Archive for December, 2005
« Previous Entries Next Entries »Evil Is As Evil Does
Sunday, December 25th, 2005YES! YES!! YES!!! My teachers were right!!!How evil are you?Hat Tip to Tyler D and Pandy!
It’s Present Time!
Saturday, December 24th, 2005As a thank you to all of my loyal readers, we here at SYLG have pitched in to make sure each and every one of you receives a Christmas gift. Consider this a token of our appreciation, in the hope that you continue reading and participating in this insignificant blog. Thank you.
A Christmas Laugh
Saturday, December 24th, 2005Oh, come on! You gotta admit this is pretty funny!
Packing A Launch
Friday, December 23rd, 2005The first of what I hope are many posts by yours truly is up at Blogs 4 Bauer. Stop by and check it out today, since none of you guys will be online this weekend. Thanks! Oh, and a heartfelt apology goes out to CUG, whom I forgot to mention as one of B4B’s contributors. [...]
Dr. Earpy’s Answer Prescription
Thursday, December 22nd, 2005Since I’m too cheap to get you all a Christmas present – and you bastards got me nothing for my promotion – please enjoy the gift that keeps on giving . . . knowledge! Ssssteve asks, “If I strangle, oops, I mean hug a hippie right before I am to eat my meal, should wash [...]
Blogs 4 Bauer Alert!
Thursday, December 22nd, 2005Attention Jack Bauer fans! Our Blogs 4 Bauer site is up and running. The official launch is tomorrow, 24 days from the start of the new season of . . . 24. Be sure to stop by and check out what’s hot. Yeah, yeah, I know; now you guys have another blog to read. In [...]
Membership Has Its Privileges
Thursday, December 22nd, 2005“So then, the Feds swept down and locked me up . . .” Boy, it must be good to be related to Philly mayor John “I can’t waste my time at a promotion ceremony” Street (D). Milton Street, Jr. – the nephew of the mayor and son of uber-corrupt “businessman” Milton Street – was feared [...]
A Real-Life Movie Moment
Thursday, December 22nd, 2005“Mmm . . . peanut butter and crack sandwich!”Once in a great while, cops get a chance to do something really cool. I got my chance today. In the middle of promotional training – yes, I’m still there, and don’t get my new assignment until the end of the month – the building had a [...]
Ask Doctor Earpy
Wednesday, December 21st, 2005During my three tedious weeks of promotional training, SYLG has suffered from a lack of funny. (As opposed to the unbridled bouts of hilarity that are usually found here.) Thankfully, Dr. Earpy has your prescription right here. Send me your questions, problems, issues, or whatever the hell the voices in your head are saying. Post [...]
Stupid Christmas Questions
Wednesday, December 21st, 2005What exactly is egg nog? I know what eggs are, but what the hell is “nog?“ If you don’t have a chimney, how is Santa Claus supposed to get into your home? Can Santa bring me her for Christmas? I’ve been really, really good!
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