Time To Help Out One Of Our Own
By Wyatt Earp | November 25, 2005
Dave at Garfield Ridge sent most of his sidebar an e-mail yesterday concerning Jennifer at Demure Thoughts:
Many of you are familiar with the blog Demure Thoughts, run by our friend Jennifer.
Jen’s 5-year-old daughter has been in and out of the hospital the past two weeks with a kidney infection, pancreatitis, and now, surgery to remove her gall bladder and appendix. Jen and her family are spending Thanksgiving in the hospital with her sick daughter.
Jen’s daughter is insured, but insurance never covers everything, and the bills from this month (not just the hospital stay, but CAT scans, MRI’s, tests, etc.) will not be inconsiderable for a mother of four. So, I’m suggesting that if you have any dimes to spare this holiday, stop by her site and click on her Pay Pal donation button on her sidebar to the left, and send her your loose change. I’m sure Jen and her family will be much appreciative of anything you can give, no matter the amount.
Also, if you’re feeling particularly generous, consider posting a plea on your blog. Only takes a second.
(BTW, Jen did not put me up to this, this is entirely my idea, so I apologize for any intrusion. I just know that a sick child is always a challenge, especially around this time of year).
FYI, here’s the link to the Garfield Ridge posting on the subject, with a few further details.
Thanks to all of you, and I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Since our “friends” at Target have banned the Salvation Army, why not help out one of our own. Jennifer and her family could use some holiday cheer. Thanks!
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