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Archive for September, 2005

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Kicking Ice

Sunday, September 25th, 2005

As I mentioned in the previous post, last night was my fantasy hockey draft. I am in it with ten of my friends, and we play for money. The rules are simple, choose six forwards, four defensemen, and two goaltenders, and calculate their points through the season (goals, assists, and goalie wins/shutouts). The top six [...]

Oops, I Did It Again

Sunday, September 25th, 2005

Sorry for the lack of postage this weekend, sports fans, but I have been away from the SYLG corporate offices – aka my basement – since Friday night. After relishing the BSG finale, the family and I trekked to the Philadelphia Police Academy for Saturday’s Family Day. It was chock full of cool things for [...]

Raising Cain

Saturday, September 24th, 2005

The bitch is back. One of the telltale signs that I have enjoyed a particular television program is my reaction immediately afterwards. For example, after watching the season finale of Battlestar Galactica tonight (yeah, yeah, I know their schedule is askew) I literally said “Holy shit” to my TV screen. I then pressed “rewind” on [...]

The Evil Conservative

Friday, September 23rd, 2005

In light of recent accusations fired at President Bush (read: blowing New Orleans’ levees with dynamite), I believe it is necessary to expose some of the deepest, darkest conspiracies known only to evil conservatives such as myself. I apologize if this offends some of my conservative friends, but I do this for the good of [...]

The Summer Of George

Thursday, September 22nd, 2005

“The New York Yankees are back in a familiar spot: first place. Seeking their eighth straight division title, the Yankees took over sole possession of the AL East lead Wednesday night thanks to Randy Johnson’s clutch pitching and Boston’s meltdown at Tampa Bay.” With apologies to the good folks in Tax-achusetts, I’m loving this!

Repent! The End Is Nigh!

Thursday, September 22nd, 2005

Ya know, I’m not a big proponent of biblical prophecies, but if I were a resident of New Orleans, I’d be wondering if some of the religious whackos aren’t so whacko after all. Let’s face it, the Big Easy (along with Las Vegas) are America’s versions of Sodom and Gomorrah. Everywhere you turn in these [...]

“They’re Real . . .”

Wednesday, September 21st, 2005

” . . . and they’re spectacular!“ I can’t believe this is news. “Tyra Banks underwent a televised sonogram on her new talk show to prove that her breasts aren’t fake. ‘I’m tired of this rumor. It’s something that’s followed me forever,’ the supermodel said Tuesday on ‘The Tyra Banks Show.’”I’m not sure what’s more [...]

Stupid Questions

Wednesday, September 21st, 2005

Why would anyone listen to an impeached former President who is also guilty of perjury? Bill Clinton’s attack on President Bush this week was surprising, but the Dems blind support of his ranting was not. Why is Matt LeBlanc a star? And for that matter, why is “Joey” a hit series?? NBC took the least [...]


Tuesday, September 20th, 2005

On Sunday, I took my annual trip to Six Flags Great Adventure with my brother Chris, his wife Kim, and my cousin Colleen. On tap; rollercoaster-a-rama. There’s nothing better than being pummeled by G-forces on some of the best coasters in the area. Our task was daunting – ride every coaster at least once – [...]

A Whisper-Out To Angela Merkel

Tuesday, September 20th, 2005

Okay, it would be a shout-out, but I still don’t have a voice after my Great Adventure trip. (A silenced Wyatt; it must be what Heaven is like.) Anyhow, I wanted to throw support towards Angela Merkel, the challenger to incumbent German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder. Sunday’s election did not yet produce a winner, but Merkel, [...]

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