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Third? Word.

By Wyatt Earp | August 29, 2005

Yours truly took third place in GOP and the City’s Weekend Caption Contest! I didn’t think I had the stuff to win, but I’ll take a third – especially when I’m making fun of the Hill-debeast.

In other GOP and the City related news, I have been given my first assignment for the Blogs for Bauer Challenge:

Who would you like to see on the next season of 24: Sean Austin or some other actor? What role would they play in the show?

My entry is due by September 6th, which should give me enough time to think of something witty . . . or half-witted.

Topics: 24, Blogs4Bauer | 1 Comment »

One Response to “Third? Word.”

  1. The Conservative UAW Guy Says:
    August 30th, 2005 at 10:11 am
