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Barack Obama: No Friend Of The Police

By Wyatt Earp | July 24, 2009

<i>And the white cops go to the back of the bus!</i>

And the white cops go to the back of the bus!

Sure, this is not much of a surprise, since Obama is not a fan of the military, either, but it still grinds my gears when I read about his comments about the Cambridge Police. We have a difficult enough job as it is. The last thing we need is to have the President of the United States make a remark that police officers “acted stupidly.” He shouldn’t make statements like that, especially without knowing all of the facts. Then again, it’s typical of his feelings toward the men and women in blue.

Thankfully, Michelle Malkin is there to remind everyone how much Obama and the Left just loves and respects police officers:

Who’s surprised that President Obama trashed police officers as “stupid” on national TV and implied they were racist despite “not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played in that?”

This is Barack Obama, friend of cop-targeting domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, whose door sports a picture of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu Jamal.

This is Barack Obama, leader of the Democrat Party, which still embraces police-hater Al Sharpton.

“I might be a little biased,” Obama admitted before unleashing on the police.

We know. We know.

Michelle has more of those pesky facts that our POTUS didn’t have time for HERE.

Thanks for your support, Mr. President. Jerk.

Topics: The Job | 15 Comments »

15 Responses to “Barack Obama: No Friend Of The Police”

  1. Crankipants Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 7:05 am

    Is it 2012 yet?

  2. Alan B Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 7:23 am

    There are some situations where the truth remains unclear. As far as I can see, this is NOT one of them.

    I have read the report written by the officer and as much as I can from over here about what happened. For what it’s worth, I have reached the following conclusions:

    1) POTUS was a fool to allow himself to be drawn into making a comment at the end of a Press Conference that he controlled to get his message across on health care. He shouldn’t be expected to know the details and hence to refuse comment because he did not know the facts would have been more than enough. Is he really this naive??

    2) The Harvard lecturer (where do they get them from?) was a total jerk with a huge chip on his shoulder, throwing his weight around. He says he knew this would be the way a black man would be treated in America so he goes out of his way to make it happen …

    3) He allows his house to be left with security compromised. Despite that, he still has to break into his own home in the middle of the night and then complains bitterly when the officer tried to confirm that he was the owner. He might have said, “Thank you”.

    4) The officer seems to have reacted the way I would have expected a single officer to react when called in to investigate a report of a robbery in progress with the witness and a possible suspect present.

    It would do themselves some good if both the lecturer and the President apologised to the officer and to the force to which he belonged. Ideally in person, at the least in writing.

  3. Sully Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 8:49 am

    I just don’t see Gates letting this go in spite of the facts. This guy is an elitist snob who was simply offended that a lowly police officer didn’t recognize how important he was.

    After it was clear that the officer had no clue who he was, (asking for ID) Gates reacted like a teenager having his first experience with a police officer…. In Gates eyes, all white police officers are racists, so that’s how he treated the guy right from the start.

  4. USAdmiral Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 9:11 am

    He is no friend of whitey either.

    Heaven forbid if you are both.

  5. Mrs. Crankipants Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 9:17 am

    Last week, no one outside of academic circles knew who Gates was, today, everyone does. has a t-shirt for sale with his mug shot that reads, “I’ll speak with your mama outside!” for a low, low price of $15.95. (What a great country we live in!)

    Perhaps Gates decided to make lemonade out of lemons the day he was arrested. His newfound celebrity would draw attention to his documentaries and sell books. Or maybe he was just acting like a horse’s ass.

    It’s unfortunate that he wasted his tantrum on an officer with a stellar record, who teaches racial profiling, and is highly respected by his colleagues-black and white.

    And have I mentioned that he is hot?

  6. Rustmeister Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 9:51 am

    Our President is trying his level best to be a one-term wonder.

    Let’s hope he is successful.

  7. Easily Lost Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 9:59 am

    Sighsssssss, I don’t even know where to start picking apart the mess the great and powerful O made on this one. I think the officer would have been negligent in his duties had he not pressed for id. And I personally feel that the “professor” was wayyyyyyy the heck out of line. Acting like a deva and expecting everyone to know him on sight.
    As for our Prez. (shakes head), how many times can you put your foot in your mouth, before you contact a disease? He should go sit quietly in his office for the remainder of his term.

  8. Jon Brooks Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 11:07 am

    Easily has a point. obambi needs a timeout, maybe in that underground secure location, where one could forget to turn on the air filtration units. Its time to put Bo in charge, its his house too. I like DOTUS better than POTUS anyway seeing as how TOTUS is broken.

    AP reporter: “What do you think of the Healthcare Plan?”
    DOTUS (bo): “RRRRRrrrrr”
    AP Reporter: “What about our servicemen and women and police force?”
    DOTUS: “Arf Arf!” pant pant
    AP Reporter: “What about your owner?”

  9. Dennis Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 11:23 am

    Bullcrap like this is why FIDO policing exists. They don’t want protection, they will attack us for saving their lives, I didn’t see nuthin, F**k It Drive On.

    I read the police report. I criticize Sgt. Crowley for not having tuned up that loudmouthed racist bastard with his nightstick. Well, I wish he could have, anyway. This is the same officer who had been attacked by the racists for failing to save Reggie Lewis from a fatal heart attack.


    So now the Racist In Chief weighs in, admitting he knows nothing, and race baits. To add insult to insult, he also attacked his own Secret Service protective detail.

    “There was a report called in to the police station that there might be a burglary taking place – so far so good,” Obama said, reflecting that he’d hope the police were called if he were seen breaking into his own house, then pausing.

    “I guess this is my house now,” he remarked of the White House. “Here I’d get shot.”

    Shot by his own protective detail, because he is Black? Would you want to stop a bullet for that racist POS?

  10. Maggie Mama Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 11:52 am

    I seem to be the only one who is wondering exactly what would have happened if there was an armed thief in the house.

    Sgt Crowley asks the Professor to come outside. SOP for me in this case. What if an armed thief (hiding out of sight ) had a gun trained on Gates? What if an armed thief (in another room) had taken members of the Gates family hostage?

    By removing Gates from “earshot” and “gunshot”, Crowley could more “safely” then question him about who else is in the house.

    Think about what Gates would be saying if Crowley looked at his license and just left … I can hear it now:

    “The po-lice left us at the mercy of armed thugs….the po-lice would not have deserted a white family!”

    “I was robbed … my wife was raped … cause of the White Po-lice failure to protect black America.”

    Now I’m hearing that at the time of the incident he was accused of murdering Lewis cause he died and Crowley’s attempts at CPR failed.

    Cops are often stuck in a no-win situation.

  11. Moe Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 12:27 pm

    Fuck him.

    People don’t get a walk because of the color of their skin regardless what that joke of a politician says. I do my job, I do it well, I do it with honor.

  12. Rides A Pale Horse Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 1:38 pm

    “I guess this is my house now,” he (POSPOTUS) remarked of the White House. “Here I’d get shot.”

    I got news for you pal. It ain’t YOUR house. That house belongs to the people of the United States, the TAXPAYERS that support your racist ass and the only reason you’re in it is because of the stupidity of the people that voted for your “hope and change” bullshit.

    Rest assured, I will work ceaselessly to see that you are evicted in 2012.

    Keep shooting your mouth off and you may find yourself out of a job even before 2012. We still have a constitution, even though you have no respect for it and are doing everything you can to negate it.

    Secondly. To the “esteemed African American” professor:

    My first question is, always has been and always will be,
    What part of Africa are you from?

  13. Big Sam Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 3:59 pm

    Everyone is forgetting that this was not a question that just came up and caught the president off guard. Remember, questions just don’t rear up, especially with a news conference of this manner. The question was approved beforehand. It was something the White House wanted to comment on. The president and his staff made a poor choice. Maybe they wanted to raise the specter of racism so there would be a subconscious message sent that the reason the President’s health care plan is having trouble is racism.

    Just plain stupid all the way around with a bunch of liberal hacks who want to play the race card any chance they can get.

  14. RT Says:
    July 24th, 2009 at 7:25 pm

    Every part of this story just infuriates me. Obama modeled just part of the attitude you all have to deal with.

  15. Wyatt Earp Says:
    July 25th, 2009 at 2:47 pm

    Crankipants – That’s what sucks. We still have three and a half more years of this tool.

    Alan B – Apologize? He’s Obama. He doesn’t need to apologize to anyone – or so he tells himself.

    Sully – And in the ultimate ironic twist, Gates was exposed for the racist he truly is.

    Admiral – I guess I won’t be invited over for dinner to the Gates residence.

    Mrs. Crankipants – Big money, eh? I should punch out someone famous. And yes, we all know your feelings about Sgt. Crowley!

    Rustmeister – With each passing day, I think that dream will come true.

    E.L. – And if the police did not show up in a timely fashion, Gates would rave about that, too.

    Jon – The dog is smarter, with more common sense.

    Dennis – I admit I would not run as fast as possible for Obama. Then again, if Joe Biden would be the next POTUS< maybe I’d sprint.

    Maggie – It’s just par for the course in my profession. ‘Splains why we’re so cynical.

    Moe – And if Gates called 911 again, I think it’s safe to say we’d still get there in a timely manner, because we’re professionals. Gates? Not so much.

    RAPH – And he is a professor of “African and African American studies.” That’s as big a sham as “Music appreciation!”

    Big Sam – Obama wanted to distract people from his botched, bumbling speech. Mission accomplished.

    RT – And make no mistake: Obama believes every word he said, because he thinks white cops are all racists.
