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As If I Needed Another Reason

By Wyatt Earp | December 14, 2009

<i>(Click to embiggen.)</i>

(Click to embiggen.)

. . . To hate the Philadelphia Eagles. Every week, our division participates in a football pool (for amusement only). In four years of playing, I have never won. I was close a few times, though, like the BYE week where I went 12-2 . . . and lost! After yesterday’s early games, I was a perfect 12-0, so I figured it was my day. A few moments later, The Godfather came up to me and said, “Guess who’s perfect?” When I replied, “Me!” he looked at me crossly and said, “Um, me too.”


We compared our pools and realized we picked every game the same way, except for last night’s Eagles game. The Godfather, who is the ultimate flaming homer, picked the Eagles, while I picked the Giants. Yes, I know the Giants are a fraud, but so are the Eagles and they were due for a lousy game.

In typical Eagles fashion, they frakked me. The bastards won the game easily – despite the misleading score – and I will lose this week with a record of 14-1. (Monday night’s game is only a tiebreaker.)

So, I am a pretty bitter person today, and my hatred of the Eagles has only grown by leaps and bounds. I now not only root for them to lose, but also root for every player to suffer a season-ending knee injury. Rat bastards.

Topics: People I Hate | 12 Comments »

12 Responses to “As If I Needed Another Reason”

  1. Wes S. Says:
    December 14th, 2009 at 8:09 pm

    Can’t agree with that, Wyatt. I’ve got to stand with my Mizzou homie Jeremy Maclin.

    Feel free to give the rest of ‘em a Tonya Harding, though. Starting with McNabb and the puppykiller.

  2. Loaded Dice in Vegas Says:
    December 14th, 2009 at 8:12 pm

    Be glad you’re not a Chicago Bears fan.

    God Save the United States……….

  3. Randal Graves Says:
    December 14th, 2009 at 8:15 pm

    Never bet with your heart. The Eagles were better on paper; too bad you hate them.

  4. CaptainAmerica Says:
    December 14th, 2009 at 8:38 pm

    Dude your logic is terminally flawed and here is why: We can hate the Eagles. As Philadelphians it is our God given right to despise ALL of our home teams because of the perpetual suffering they inflict on us. Sure they are a lousy bunch of whiney underachievers.
    But so is everyone elses team. With ethe exception of Dallas every other team out there is the same collectin of nit wit athletes. There are as many reasons to hate Seattle as San Fran as Miami. Dallas actually is the one team that makes their fans suffering worthwhile. Kind of like the Yankees. Yet I would rather quit watching sports alltogether than be a fan of either.

    So yea our date may be big, fat and nasty, but at the end of the night you gotta dance with who broung ya. They may be bad Iggles, but their OUR Iggles.
    Go Birds.

  5. Thomas F Says:
    December 14th, 2009 at 8:40 pm

    Can you just let me know which way you pic the eagles for their next game so I can bet the opposite….

  6. joated Says:
    December 14th, 2009 at 8:45 pm

    Don’t blame the Eagles. The Giants left their defense in the locker room.

  7. Watuschski Says:
    December 14th, 2009 at 8:49 pm

    Wyatt, nobody but nobody hates McSlobb, Woof Woof Vick, Fat Andy and the Fleagles more than me. Hating the Fleagles has enhanced my football watching too because now I have 31 favorite teams each week — whoever is playing the Fleagles.

  8. Picky Says:
    December 14th, 2009 at 10:08 pm

    Actually the Colts don’t give me any reason to hate my team.

  9. Wyatt Earp Says:
    December 15th, 2009 at 10:29 am

    Wes S. – That bastard Maclin cost me a fantasy win this week. Guy is made of glass.

    LDIV – Yeah, how’s Cutler working out for you? My Broncos are better off without him.

    Randal – I took them this week against the 49ers, so they Niners will probably win in a rout.

    Captain – No, it’s YOUR Eagles. That root, root, root for the home team only works for the Flyers for me. I’ll stick with my Broncos. They gave me much better memories.

    Thomas – Bank of the 49ers. I took the Eagles.

    Joated – Yes, they did. And I am starting to think Eli Manning is a fraud.

    Watuschski – I hate the Eagles, Giants and anyone in the AFC West – besides the Broncos, of course.

    Picky – Yeah, thanks for spanking my Broncs this week!

  10. bob (either orr) Says:
    December 15th, 2009 at 1:49 pm

    That’s why I’m more interested in college football than the no-fun league. Ya gotta admit, though, that DeSean Jackson is fun to watch.

  11. don Says:
    December 15th, 2009 at 2:43 pm

    Dayum! Will you do my picks next week? I just had one of my worst weeks, going 9-7. Be glad you didn’t have to watch the Steelers or Cardinals blow it.

  12. Teetop Says:
    December 15th, 2009 at 4:32 pm

    My picks ended up as 12-3 going into last night. I has the 49′ers with 43 points. Someone picked the 49′ers with 31 points, I lost….

    Although, I won a $100 on a quarter for the Dallas Cowgirls game.