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Cardinals Fans Vandalize McNabb’s Lawn

By Wyatt Earp | January 21, 2009

<i>Ryan Hanlon, left, and Rex Perkin</i>

Ryan Hanlon, left, and Rex Perkin

Code Monkey sent me this story in an e-mail entitled, “Easy One.” She’s right, because this idiocy just snarks for itself.

The Cardinals fans who left diesel fuel messages in the lawn of Donovan McNabb’s Chandler home also left something else - a box with a postage sticker that listed the suspect’s name and address.

Wow, they have a lot of rocket scientists in the Grand Canyon State, don’t they?

The two men, Rex Perkin, 37, and Ryan Hanlon, 28, were arrested Saturday around 6 p.m., for using the fuel to kill the grass in the Philadelphia quarterback’s lawn and leave the messages., “Go Cards,” “Go Kurt,” and “I (heart) AZ.”

But the story actually started two days before, when McNabb came home to his house in the Ocotillo neighborhood on the Thursday to find a Cardinals flag hanging from a tree in his yard. The quarterback found the prank amusing and left the flag hanging in the tree, Favazzo said.

When McNabb came home late the next night, he saw the cardboard box that the vandals made into a makeshift sign - “Go Cards” was written on one side and “Beat Philly” on the other. Again McNabb brushed it off, but when he woke up early the next morning on the day of the game, he smelled diesel fuel and called police. (H/T - AZCentral)

Ya know, I am not a Donovan McNabb fan by any means - just ask Bloviating Zeppelin - but these two guys are tools of the highest order.

If there was any justice, both would be tarred and feathered.

Topics: WTF? |

7 Responses to “Cardinals Fans Vandalize McNabb’s Lawn”

  1. Snigs Says:
    January 21st, 2009 at 11:05 am

    Why folks find destruction of property funny or a prank is beyond me.

  2. Doghouse Says:
    January 21st, 2009 at 11:23 am

    And McNabb showed he had a sense of humor by leaving the flag up, but come on; destruction of property - and with something that could make the situation much, much worse? What if, somehow, it had caught on fire? Geez people …

  3. Bloviating Zeppelin Says:
    January 21st, 2009 at 4:55 pm

    Are you SURE you really don’t like the Eagles very much?


  4. Sssteve Says:
    January 21st, 2009 at 6:15 pm

    I thought McNabb was pretty cool there to just laugh of the other stuff! And I have been pretty hard on him. But vandalizing his yard, what a couple of idiots! Tar and feather ‘em I say!!

  5. Kv Says:
    January 22nd, 2009 at 12:03 am

    Two dumbasses do not an entire state population reflect. These are football fans you’re riffin’ on, after all. Oops, I reckon they aren’t a reflection of the Cards fans, either - are they?
    Not a football geek, myself; I just live here. Oh, and pay taxes on a “publicly-funded” stadium I have yet to visit, in spite of the fact that I live a scant two miles away.
    (is that too bitterclingy?)

  6. Morgan Says:
    January 22nd, 2009 at 10:58 am

    It’s “fans” like these two that give the the idea of being a fan a bad name.

  7. Bitter American Says:
    January 23rd, 2009 at 12:24 am

    But now that they’ve arrested these two fans, who’s gonna support the Cards??
