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PTA Mom, 13-Yr Old Boy Found Naked In Car

By Wyatt Earp | December 17, 2008

And this happened on Long Island. Shocka! I wonder if Amy Fisher was the suspect?

BALDWIN, N.Y. ― A prominent PTA official is facing some serious allegations involving a teenage boy.

Police arrested Joan Tuckruskye after allegedly finding her in the backseat of a parked car with a 13-year-old boy on Friday night. Both of them, police said, were partially unclothed.

It was in the rear of the elementary school parking lot where patrolling officers said they noticed the foggy and steamed windows of an SUV. They approached and knocked on the window.

“They observed a woman in her 40s and a boy who appeared to be a teenager. They were not clothed from the waist down,” said Lt. Kevin Smith of the Nassau County Police Department.

At first, police said, the boy said he was 18. Later at the hospital, though, he admitted being 13 but claimed he and the PTA mom were only kissing. (H/T - WCBSTV)

Oh well, at least the 13-year old can brag that he was making it with a PTA mom . . .

<i>The suspect, Joan Tuckruskye</i>

The suspect, Joan Tuckruskye

Yikes! On second thought, the boy should probably keep his mouth shut.

Topics: The Job |

6 Responses to “PTA Mom, 13-Yr Old Boy Found Naked In Car”

  1. Woody Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 4:02 pm

    “Yikes! On second thought, the boy should probably keep his mouth shut.”

    Riiiight… I think Wyatt forgets what it was like to be 13.

  2. Wyatt Earp Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 4:25 pm

    Woody - Yeah, come to think of it, making out was making out . . .

  3. wagonsux Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 5:14 pm

    We joke when the molester is a woman, and the victim is a boy. Yet a child predator can be male or female. This monster must be locked up for a long time. The poor kid will have not only have to deal with years of therapy, but will also have to endure the teasing from his peers that he was hitt’n that!

  4. Conrad Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 9:37 pm

    No kidding! I mean, seriously! I liked the Munsters as a kid, just not THAT much. EEeeewwwww…

  5. Wyatt Earp Says:
    December 17th, 2008 at 9:50 pm

    Wagonsux - Who are we kidding. He’ll find a photo of some obscure supermodel and say, “That’s her!” (At least, that’s what I’d do.)

    Conrad - You can say that again. Lilly lives!

  6. Ky Person Says:
    December 18th, 2008 at 6:45 am

    She is a sex offender and needs to be sentenced to the maximum. Yeah, yeah, I know boys are walking hormone machines, but come on!! Some things are just wrong.
