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Al Sharpton Convicted!

By Wyatt Earp | October 9, 2008

<i>With any luck, the guy behind him is picking his pocket.</i>

With any luck, the guy behind him is picking his pocket.

Relax, guys: The jackass was only convicted of disorderly conduct. You were all really excited, though, weren’t you?

NEW YORK — The Rev. Al Sharpton was convicted Wednesday of two counts of disorderly conduct stemming from a citywide protest in May in which hundreds of people were arrested.

Sharpton was sentenced to time already served after his May 7 arrest, said a spokeswoman for a New York Criminal Court for Manhattan.

Damn, I was hoping he would receive the death penalty. Seriously.

The series of protests, dubbed a “Day of Civil Disobedience” by Sharpton, were coordinated demonstrations at various locations around New York City to express unhappiness with the acquittal of three police detectives in the shooting death of Sean Bell on his wedding day.

Imagine how many of these people had to miss work that day. Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!

Hundreds of protesters crowded streets and blocked bridges, chanting and praying. The congestion momentarily shut down the Brooklyn Bridge and caused some traffic delays in lower Manhattan. (H/T - CNN)

I wonder how many innocent people were inconvenienced that day? Why is it that when a toolbox like Sharpton wants to make a statement, he has to make sure everyone is captured inside his web of shenanigans? Shutting down the Brooklyn Bridge pissed off a lot of working people. Of course, Sharpton never had to earn an honest day’s work, so he didn’t know (or care) how angry he made them.


Topics: People I Hate |

9 Responses to “Al Sharpton Convicted!”

  1. USA_Admiral Says:
    October 9th, 2008 at 12:22 pm

    Yes I was. Oh well.

  2. John D Says:
    October 9th, 2008 at 1:03 pm

    A friend of mine is a cop in SoCal. A few years ago he had the pleasure of arresting Sharpton at a “demonstration.” Sharpton appeared unconcerned about being arrested. My friend told me while Sharpton sat there in cuffs, a Sergeant looked at him and said, “If half the stuff you’ve said about us was true, you should be terrified right now.” The Reverend Big Al just sat there and kept his pie-hole uncharacteristically closed.

  3. JumpOut Says:
    October 9th, 2008 at 1:41 pm

    What a wanker. He needs a ride on the taser. I’d pay good money to lite him up.

  4. Rick Says:
    October 9th, 2008 at 2:19 pm

    I would pay to see Big Al doing the taser dance.

  5. Deanna Says:
    October 9th, 2008 at 3:37 pm

    Oh, you were just playing with my emotions!! Next time cough up a real and satisfying conviction!! Please???

  6. USA_Admiral Says:
    October 9th, 2008 at 3:43 pm

    Rick is right. One taser dance for Al is needed.

  7. Lillian Says:
    October 9th, 2008 at 3:56 pm

    My face lit up like a Christmas tree when I saw the headline! You really shouldn’t tease everyone like that, Wyatt!

    I’m with Rick. I would pay to see Sharpton get the taser. I’d even offer to pull the trigger - for free!

  8. Old Soldier Says:
    October 9th, 2008 at 5:15 pm

    I remember a few years ago we were going to execute a convicted murderer at Huntsville, so he and his boys showed up with all the media and hype that goes along with any execution of a black man. Well word was out that there was going to be trouble, then he was overheard making the comment about the Texas Rangers are here now. Funny how it really quieted down. There are a lot of things you do, but one of them is not to piss of a Ranger.

  9. Wyatt Earp Says:
    October 9th, 2008 at 9:50 pm

    Admiral - Sorry for letting you down.

    John D - Because he knew he was in trouble, and no cameras were around.

    JumpOut - And I would pay to see you light him up like a Christmas tree!

    Rick - The line forms here!

    Deanna - From your lips to God’s ears, dear.

    Admiral - And not a moment too soon.

    Lillian - Sorry about that. Heh.

    Old Soldier - They should have sent Chuck Norris after him!
