Miss Landmine 2008 Crowned
By Wyatt Earp | April 3, 2008
What. The. Frak?
She has beauty, brains and soon a new prosthetic leg.Agusta Urica, 31, was crowned the world’s first Miss Landmine Wednesday in Luanda, Angola, beating out 17 other women who’ve lost limbs to landmines in this African nation still struggling with the vestiges of a 20-year civil war.
Urica, a survivor of a landmine that claimed a portion of her leg, was being fitted Thursday for a new prosthetic limb after cinching the win before dignitaries and the nation’s first lady, Ana Paula dos Santos.
“Now she is a famous person here,” organizer Morten Traavik said of Urica. “She will be the face and the ambassador of this group of people, for disabled people in general and landmine-disabled people in particular.”
Urica, who is unemployed and represents the capital, Luanda, also won $1,000, a motorbike, clothes, a weekend in a luxury hotel and a variety of domestic appliances. (H/T – FOXNews)
I’m sorry, did the article say that she received a motorbike? A MOTORBIKE?? This is an appropriate gift for an amputee???
Stop the world, please. I’d like to get off now.
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