Tips (And Gifts) Are Appreciated
By Wyatt Earp | January 30, 2008
Yesterday I received a gift. Scratch that. Yesterday I received a really cool gift from now-retired blogger Rachel. After a short e-mail which stated that I will accept this gift, it came to Casa de Earp via UPS.
I opened up the box and saw the t-shirt pictured on the right. Rachel knows that I am a huge fan of Battlestar Galactica, and when she saw this online, she bought it immediately. The funny thing about it is that I have probably written “What the frak?” about 100 times on SYLG in the past. Suffice to say, when I saw the shirt, I laughed out loud.
Soon after, I got to thinking. Why don’t more of my readers send me gifts? I mean, I’ve been giving you folks hours upon hours of free entertainment for three years. Shouldn’t that count for something? And, unlike some other blogs, I don’t have a “Support/Donate” button in my sidebar. I have to pay for this all by my lonesome.
*I wonder if they know that Blogger is a free service. Never mind, you’re rolling. They don’t need to know.*
So anyway, I figured would give everyone a few ideas of some thoughtful gifts to buy in case you were so inclined. Here goes:
- A Nintendo Wii. I hate that Randal has one, and I don’t.
- Orange Tic Tacs. Nature’s perfect food, topped only by Pez.
- Bikini photos of Uber. She’s a hottie!
- Bikini photos of Helen Thomas. What??? She’s a classic beauty.
- Candlesticks. I heard they make a nice gift while watching Bull Durham.
See? I’m not greedy. All of these are reasonable offerings to your loyal blog god. Now, it’s off to your local merchant. Chop, chop!
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