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Britney Spears: American Entrepeneur

By Wyatt Earp | November 15, 2007

It’s funny because it’s happening to her:

In case you missed it, some bombshell news came out of the personal finance arena last week. No, I’m not referring to the Federal Reserve’s rate cut or the record-breaking price of oil.

I’m talking about Britney Spears: She isn’t saving for retirement.

Though the 25-year old pop star is hauling in some $737,000 a month (yes, per month), the Associated Press reported last Thursday that according to court documents, she’s not saving or investing a penny of it.

More than $100,000 each month is going to entertainment, gifts and vacations alone. (H/T – )

This broad makes more per month than I do in ten years, and she’s tinkling it all away. Nothing like a sound investment plan, huh, Brit? I feel badly for her children, who, in the end, will be left with nothing after Mommy dies from Hep C. I mean, you think she would be prepared, since she pretty much forced herself into retirement after she shaved her head.

Sources leaked some of Britney’s expenses to SYLG, and the results will astound you. To wit:

  • Antibiotics: $500,000.
  • Crotchless panties: $100,000.
  • Twinkie home delivery: $20,000.
  • Wig fees: $80,000.
  • Mounted singing bass: $50.

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