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Lindsay Lo-Bail

By Wyatt Earp | July 24, 2007

This is the most surprising story I have seen since I heard that Michael Moore was fat:

SANTA MONICA, Calif – Lindsay Lohan, who just finished a second stint in rehab for substance abuse treatment, was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving early Tuesday, authorities said.

Lohan, who is already facing a drunken driving charge in Beverly Hills, was pulled over near the Santa Monica Police Department after authorities spotted her car chasing another, said Sgt. Shane Talbot. Authorities conducted a field sobriety test and then transported her to the police department.

The 21-year-old actress was booked on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, driving on a suspended license and possession of cocaine, among other charges, Talbot said.

Police found cocaine in one of her pants pockets during a pre-booking search, Talbot said. (H/T – )

I almost feel sorry for this toad. Then I tell myself she’s an elitist Hollywood skank that wouldn’t cross the street to spit upon a “commoner” like myself. Have fun in prison, Lindsay. Maybe you’ll like being someone else’s “bitch.”

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