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Tour De Lance: Stage 14

By Wyatt Earp | July 16, 2005

Lance Armstrong finished second to Austrian rider Georg Totschnig in today’s mountainous 14th stage, but the American didn’t feet. Why? Because he tripled his lead in the overall standings! Armstrong is currently one minute, forty-one seconds ahead of Denmark’s Mickael Rasmussen, leaving his main competitors scratching their collective heads.

We knew we had to go on the attack but it just didn’t work out,” German rider Jan Ullrich said. “Armstrong just matched everything and I am disappointed I faded out at the end.”

God, I love it when a German (of all people) takes a defeatist attitude!

Sunday’s 205.5-km effort between Lezat sur Leze and Pla d’Adet is expected to be the hardest stage of the Tour.

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