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Domelights Outed Me!

By Wyatt Earp | July 24, 2005

I’ve been outed. I wasn’t even in!” – Jerry Seinfeld, “Seinfeld

One of the great things about is that they provide a keen-looking sidebar in which to put your favorite links. Since I’m a big, dumb guy, this pleases me, because I couldn’t possibly create my own website. My personal sidebar contains sites that I both enjoy and frequent, including other blogs I read daily, television shows I watch, and the requisite police-related destinations. My favorite of these is Domelights.

Domelights is a Philadelphia-based police/fire/military website that includes “free-for-all message boards,” where folks like me can vent about anything and everything. (My apologies to Domelights head honcho McQ for that sub-par description.) Most of us don’t use our real names, because when you’re bashing the incompetent, corrupt Mayor or the underachieving Fire Commissioner, it’s safer to do so behind a nome de plume (two days in a row for that phrase!). And believe me, the city and the respective departments would just love to punish someone for speaking their mind. Of course, ripping politicians not what the site is all about. It’s more like an internet watering hole, where you can talk to friends and co-workers about topics unique to law enforcement. Think of it as group therapy.

Some of the “regulars” on The Dome are household names in the department – at least their screen names are. So, imagine my surprise today when I received an e-mail from Kate (aka “Katey Kakes”) telling me she enjoyed reading SYLG. She said she heard about my blog on The Dome. I jumped to the site, and there in the Philadelphia Blue forum was a topic called “Who is the ‘Wyatt Earp’ blogger on Domelights?Oh . . . my . . . God!!! I’m still not sure how they found me, or how they knew I was a poster on Domelights, but here I was for all the world to see (Domelights has 2503 current members, and 485,792 page visits – I should be so lucky) – naked and alone. Sorry for the imagery, kids!

Don’t get me wrong, I love the guys and gals at Domelights, but they are brutally honest. I am scared to death that they are one keystroke away from telling me how much they think this blog reeks, and that I am a hack of the first order. (I mean I know it, I just don’t want people to tell me that!) I care what the posters there think, as I care about what each and every one of my readers thinks. (Hell, one posterOfficer Donutis an accomplished author; and I am insanely jealous!) If nothing else, the notion that some Domelighters may occasionally stop by will motivate me to work much, much harder on this train wreck.

And for that, I thank them.

P.S.Hat tip to “Lt. Anger” who started the ball rolling. Next beer is on me!

Topics: All About Wyatt | 5 Comments »

5 Responses to “Domelights Outed Me!”

  1. The Conservative UAW Guy Says:
    July 24th, 2005 at 9:59 am

    Doc is famous now!

    (And deservedly so…) :)

  2. Peakah Says:
    July 24th, 2005 at 11:23 am

    I always made it a point to befriend the cops/fire/paramedic personelle in my community and church because for the most part they were down to Earth people who only wanted to do the right thing.

    I commend you on your blog and your choice of profession. If I didn’t have such an idiotic background I probably would have become one of the thin blue line myself… to the dismay of my wife who has a hard time understanding how wives of you warriors get through the nights.

    Anyhow, congrats, and good luck!

  3. Wyatt Earp Says:
    July 24th, 2005 at 11:32 am

    CUG – Thanks. Go Lance!!!

    Peakah – My wife wanted to know every little detail when I first came on the job. 11 years later, when she asks the question “How was work?,” she is satisfied with a simple “Fine.”

  4. Kate Says:
    July 24th, 2005 at 1:04 pm


    First, it’ll take some time for me to call you Wyatt; I’m so used to Professor Frink.

    Sometimes we wish to remain anonymous, and I understand that completely, but in this case, I’m glad you’ve been outed! I wish I had known about your blog sooner. It’s definitely addicting!

    Thanks so much for sharing your life and your views with everyone. You are definitely unique and one of a kind. ;)

    Be safe out there,


  5. Dr. Phat Tony Says:
    July 24th, 2005 at 7:15 pm

    You’re well on your way to being (in?)famous.