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Woman Fined, Jailed For “Tight Pants”

By Wyatt Earp | September 8, 2009

Lubna Ahmed as-Hussein“The Religion of Peace” strikes again. This time, Islamic Sudanese authorities took off their Government Bureaucrat hats in favor of Fashion Police hats. The results? Jail and a fine for a fashion faux pas.

I have to be honest here. I don’t get this strict Islamic fundamentalist nonsense. The woman was wearing pants, not crotchless panties and nipple tassels. Someone over there needs to be baptized with some damned common sense, post haste!

A woman put on trial for wearing clothing deemed indecent by Sudanese authorities was jailed Monday for refusing to pay a court-ordered fine, her lawyer said.

Lubna al-Hussein had faced 40 lashes for wearing pants deemed too tight and a blouse considered too sheer. The threat of lashes was dropped when a court found her guilty but ordered instead that she pay a fine.

Note to self: Do not pack my spandex shorts and ass-less chaps for my trip to the Sudan.

“She is now in jail,” her attorney Nabil Adib told CNN. “She refused to pay the fine as a matter of principal.”

Al-Hussein will appeal her verdict in an effort to have the conservative Muslim government’s decency law declared unconstitutional, Adib said by phone from Khartoum. (H/TCNN)

Oh yeah, good luck with that. This woman would have an easier time convincing Paris Hilton to keep her legs closed. I’m just sayin’.

Topics: WTF? | 6 Comments »

6 Responses to “Woman Fined, Jailed For “Tight Pants””

  1. Andrew Says:
    September 8th, 2009 at 4:43 pm

    I’ll never understand Islam’s obssession with archaic rules and life styles – live in the now. The rest of the world gets it, but they still don’t.

    I hate to say it, but religion is the sole reason why the Middle East is so far behind the rest of the planet. They have the resources, they have the land, but their bickering over who’s religious sect is better than who’s and their obsession with stone age type society, retards any progress they could ever hope to make…

  2. Randal Graves Says:
    September 8th, 2009 at 4:46 pm

    Were they “camel toe” tight?

  3. Ambulance Driver Says:
    September 8th, 2009 at 8:09 pm

    You’re a male. You could get away with showing off your moose knuckle and wearing your assless chaps in an Islamic country.

    It’s just women over here that you’d scar for life.

  4. MeToo Says:
    September 9th, 2009 at 9:16 am

    Let’s send Jane Fonda over in her little Barbarella outfit and watch what happens.

  5. Eric Says:
    September 10th, 2009 at 10:09 am

    If you want to know what is fundamentally flawed in conservative thought, it is all on this page and comments.
    You could meditate on this page for a while and reveal some truths about what is so about men and women and the world. Then if you were struck by lightning, realize that there is something beyond all the arguments here.

    That beyond the arguments is the little brilliance that happened in 1776 with a group of men who committed themselves to a higher level of life. This created what is called the American Spirit. Sadly each side that professes to defend this spirit is devoid of self-realization.

  6. Wyatt Earp Says:
    September 10th, 2009 at 11:28 am

    Andrew – Live and let live is a foreign concept to many of the radicals there.

    Randal – God, I hope not!

    AD – I have scarred more women than a back-alley plastic surgeon.

    MeToo – Heads would explode.

    Eric – Wow, that’s deep. Really, and I mean that.

    Oh, and you must have forgotten a word between “is so” and “about men and women.”
