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Lucas Finally Got It Right

By Wyatt Earp | June 10, 2005

In a move that will surely cost me my “Star Wars Geek” membership card, I finally saw Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith . . . three weeks late! Due to the horrors of shift work, most Philly cops get weekends off every three to four months. I am currently in the midst of one of these lucky breaks, but the timing has been unsatisfactory; the last thing I wanted to do was see the film during the opening weekend. I am a Star Wars Geek, but even I am not going to dress up in costume for a screening! Any-hoo, here are my thoughts.

As a fan of Quentin Tarantino, I have grown accustomed to his oft-annoying habit of screwing up a film’s timeline. For example, in Kill Bill Volume 1, the first fight scene should actually take place at the end of the movie. It’s like watching a film in a time warp, but it’s Q’s way. I accept it. The problem for a lot of Star Wars fans is that George Lucas filmed an entire trilogy out of order. Therefore, everyone who has seen the original trilogy knows what will happen at the end of Episode III. We all know that Anakin Skywalker will become Darth Vader, but the rub is in the details.

Thankfully, after dropping the ball in Episode II (I personally liked Episode I, but realize that I am in the minority), George Lucas fleshed out the details in Jedi-like fashion. As expected, the special effects and the fight scenes were top-notch, and Ewan McGregor once again proved himself the strongest presence on the screen. New character General Grievous (pictured above), was absolutely badass, and Samuel L. Jackson got his wish by “not dying like a bitch.” The film was very dark in nature – much like Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back – and Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen’s dialogue led a lot to be desired. Overall, though, Episode III delivered, and Lucas tied up all loose ends.

A Star Wars Geek like myself couldn’t ask for anything more.

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