« Previous Entries Next Entries » Wednesday, August 31st, 2011Many of you know about Twitter, and many of you partake in its services. (Oh, and if you’re on Twitter and not following me, what’s the problem?) The trouble with Twitter is that anyone can say anything at any time. Sometimes that’s a good thing. In the case of Lindsay Lohan, sometimes it’s not. Lindsay [...]
The Beauty Of Late-Night TV
Wednesday, August 24th, 2011Mot people don’t know this about me, but I’m a night owl. When working the evening shift or on nights off, I’ll stay up until at least 2am. Always. Anyway, the problem with staying up late is that late-night TV sucks worse than a Morgan Spurlock film. (Yeah, no one cares if you eat fast [...]
The NCAA “Lox” In New Rule Changes
Monday, August 22nd, 2011This piece of stupidity comes from the morons who gave us the BCS. The NCAA legislative council will consider 91 changes to rules, mostly inane ones, when it meets next January. That itself isn’t news. But take a look at Proposal No. 2011-78 set forth by the Big East that would allows schools to offer [...]
Toad Really Wants Gal To Drop The Chalupa
Saturday, August 13th, 2011And by “chalupa,” I mean her pants. Meet 24-year old Jason Dean of Georgia. This may shock you, but this handsome son of a bitch has trouble finding women. But fear not, Jason is an enterprising self-starter who likes to take the initiative when it comes to dating. Unfortunately, he also likes to take hostages. [...]
The Power Of Christ Compels You
Thursday, August 11th, 2011To be sexy! (Oh relax, I was talking about the 19-year old in red.) The five teenage girls might look like they’re in a normal class, eagerly reading their textbooks and answering their teacher’s questions diligently. But the textbooks are Bibles and the girls all have crosses instead of protractors, as they train to become [...]
Study: Female Moose Manipulate The Males
Friday, August 5th, 2011So basically, they’re just like human females. Good to know. Female moose, or cows, are able to manipulate amorous males into fighting each other, allowing the more desirable bulls to emerge as mates, according to the study, which is based on observations made in Alaska’s Denali National Park. The cows’ efforts are subtle, so they [...]
Can Skittles Save British Pubs?
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2011I certainly hope so; they’re my favorite candy! Taste the rainbow, bitches! British pubs – closing at record rates in a harsh economic climate – could be saved by reviving traditional games like skittles and darts, according to a report on Tuesday. Such games have disappeared from many pubs in recent years in favor of [...]
Pr0n Stars: Nice To Look At…
Saturday, July 30th, 2011But you damned sure don’t want to get involved with one. Janine Lindemulder was already arrested once this year after harassing Jesse James over their daughter Sunny. But the West Coast Choppers owner’s former wife found herself back in custody this week after she reportedly called Jesse over 25 times following the court ruling on [...]
“Hey Cool! They Got A Blimp!”
Thursday, July 28th, 2011I don’t know what’s worse; the fact that the Army built a $150 million blimp, or that it crashed during testing. A $150 million U.S. Army airship crash landed in woods today after it could only reach half of its expected altitude on a test flight. The unmanned solar-powered airship was only in the air [...]
Israeli Guards To Reporters: Lose The Bra
Sunday, July 24th, 2011Guards protecting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are stepping up screening measures by having female reporters remove their bras for inspection. Wow, that’s hot. Well, it’s hot until some poor schlub checks Christiane Amanpour. *shudder* Foreign journalists on Friday spoke of their distress after being asked to remove their bras for a security check before [...]
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