Archive for October, 2011
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Tuesday, October 11th, 2011One has to wonder if the Philadelphia Police Department will seek out Jon Lovitz’s liar character when searching for its next commissioner. Why? Well, if the department’s website is to be believed, someone downtown is fudging the numbers – of homicides. I’ll just post this and observe without comment. A visit to the Philadelphia Police [...]
Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Moo-chelle
Tuesday, October 11th, 2011Well, well, well, it seems like Food Nazi Michelle Obama is more of a “Do as I say, not as I do” kind of gal. “Well, I did a show with Michelle and I just loved being with her,” [Chef Paula] Deen told Yeas & Nays. “She probably ate more than any other guest I’ve [...]
Because Crack And Heroin Are So 1995
Tuesday, October 11th, 2011Meet Amanda Owens of Minnesota. Amanda is one of the millions of Americans battling addiction. She is powerless against it, and it is ruining her life. Sadly, Amanda cannot go to rehab, because there’s no detox program for her addiction. It’s not heroin, it’s not crack. No, there’s a new “addiction”” in town – and [...]
Yoga-ta Be Kidding Me
Tuesday, October 11th, 2011Why am I not watching Dancing With The Stars again? Dancing With The Stars fans are used to seeing Lacey Schwimmer showing off her flexibility on the ballroom floor. But even they will be surprised to see the professional dancer pulling off some eye-poppingly difficult yoga poses. The 23-year-old was able to put all of [...]
Caption Contest Winners
Monday, October 10th, 2011Okay, enough with the milestones, it’s time to get back to work. First order of business? The You’re Fired Caption Contest has now concluded. Lots of quality entries this week, which is good because I was worried that the photo wasn’t a good one. Here’s how we did: Top Five Entries: 5. Greece Police take [...]
2 Million Hits!
Monday, October 10th, 2011Just a few minutes ago, the ridiculous little blog welcomed its two millionth visit. When I mentioned this milestone a week ago, I wasn’t nearly as excited as I was for the first million; although I’m not sure why. When SYLG first started getting popular, I would text Code Monkey, every hour on the hour, [...]
The Most Ridiculous Lawsuit Of All Time
Monday, October 10th, 2011A Michigan woman is suing the makers of the film “Drive” – and her local theater – because she said the movie’s trailer had very little driving in it. She believes that the trailers were misleading. Most people’s gripe about trailers these days is that they blow too much info about a film’s plot. But [...]
She’ll Now Be Known As Kirsten Dummkopf
Monday, October 10th, 2011Apparently, American citizenship wasn’t good enough, for Kirsten; she wanted to return to the home of her ancestors. No, not Mars. The Deutschland. She may be proud to be an American, but now Kirsten Dunst can also happily reveal her pride at being a German citizen, as well. The 29-year-old actress recently told the German [...]
SYLG Mourns Richard Lendley (DustyVet)
Sunday, October 9th, 2011Today is a very sad day. Frequent SYLG commenter, Vietnam veteran, and truly good guy Richard Lendley has passed away. Regular readers will know him by his screen name. DustyVet. Richard lost his battle with cancer on Friday night at the Condell Medical Center in Libertyville, Illinois. I received the news from Realwest, who sent [...]
Nice Beard, English
Sunday, October 9th, 2011Apparently, Amish-on-Amish crime is on the rise in Ohio. Jefferson County Sheriff Fred Abdalla said there have been several reported incidents of Amish forcing their way into homes and cutting the hair and beards off of other members of the Amish community. On Tuesday night, several Amish burst into a home in Holmes County and [...]
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