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Charles Rangel Calls Sarah Palin “Disabled”

By Wyatt Earp | September 20, 2008

Well, if that isn’t the pot calling the kettle black.

No offense, “Congressman.”

NEW YORK ― Already under fire for his tax troubles, Manhattan Congressman Charles Rangel really put his foot in his mouth on Friday.

In a CBS 2 HD exclusive interview, Rep. Rangel called Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin “disabled.”

The question was simple: Why are the Democrats so afraid of Palin and her popularity?

The answer was astonishing.

“You got to be kind to the disabled,” Rangel said. (H/T - WCBSTV)

Stay classy, Charlie.

The funniest reaction I have heard to this story was from Ace, whose headline read, “Man Who Didn’t Realize $5000 Per Year in Luxury-Home Rentals Was Taxable Income Calls Sarah Palin Mentally ‘Disabled.’” Heh.

Topics: Politics |

2 Responses to “Charles Rangel Calls Sarah Palin “Disabled””

  1. It’s about the country, stupid! « RT’s Ponderings Says:
    September 20th, 2008 at 1:37 pm

    [...] Today, he lived up to his reputation as an idiot by calling  Palin “disabled.”  You can see the story and the video HERE.   (You can read Wyatt’s take on Rangel’s statement HERE.) [...]

  2. Scott Says:
    September 22nd, 2008 at 3:38 pm

    As I read that, it sounds like he’s calling the Democrats disabled, when answering the question “why are the Democrats so afraid of Palin…”
