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100,000 Hit Celebration: Prologue (Part 2)

By Wyatt Earp | June 25, 2007

It’s time to announce Phase 2 of SYLG’s 100,000 Hit Celebration. (Yeah, I’m milking this for all it’s worth.) The second and final phase of the celebration is the Tombstone DVD Award.

Visitor #100,000 will receive a copy of the courtesy of yours truly. That’s right; it’s on me!

I know what you’re thinking. “But Wyatt, how will we know who the lucky winner is?” Um . . . good question. The contest is canceled! Actually, I can find that pertinent information courtesy of my Site Meter.

If by some strange occurrence, visitor #100,000 is a spambot, or someone who refuses to come forward and collect the prize, the winner will be the next identifiable visitor after the 100,000 mark is reached. Long story short: keep an eye on the Site Meter when you check in. It may also be a good idea to write down your entry and exit pages to further verify the winner.

Of course, the winner will have to send me their mailing address, so the prize can be shipped, but that info will remain “in the vault.”

So, if you’re interested, keep checking back, and keep track of the Site Meter at the bottom of the page. It could net you a copy of the coolest DVD ever! A small token of my appreciation for all of your support.

Come on, you know you want it.

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