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Tour De Lance: Stage 10

By Wyatt Earp | July 12, 2005

Well, that didn’t take long.

After giving up the leader’s yellow jersey for one day, Lance Armstrong grabbed it back in style after dominating today’s Stage 10. Armstrong cruised through the Alps, leaving his serious challengers like Jan Ullrich in the dust. Media types are already asking Armstrong if the Tour de France is more or less over. Nice! How are the other cyclists doing compared to Lance? Take a read:

Mickael Rasmussen is second in the overall standings, 38 seconds behind Armstrong. Ivan Basso, among the main challengers left behind by Armstrong on Tuesday, is third overall — 2:40 behind the Texan.

Rasmussen will begin to fall back. I guarantee it. Basso is a terrific rider, but at nearly three minutes behind during Armstrong’s best stages (the mountains), his chances at overtaking the American are fading. This event isn’t over, and there is still a lot of cycling to go, but Armstrong is in the catbird seat . . . and looking at his seventh straight Tour victory. Whoo hoo!

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