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Always Bet On Black

By Wyatt Earp | June 30, 2005

He’s Here. The Bat-Man.” – Scarecrow, Batman Begins.

Let me start by saying that I am a huge Tim Burton fan. If Tim directed it, I more than likely saw it (or it’s on my list, like Sleepy Hollow). As a result, I believe that the his Batman (circa 1989) is one of the best superhero films ever. When I attended Batman Begins last night, though, I wanted to keep an open mind.

I’m glad I did.

Batman Begins is an excellent film. Director Christopher Nolan (who also manned the helm for Memento) expands upon the origins of the Dark Knight’s beginnings, and his transformation from brooding orphan to . . . well, brooding crime fighter. Christian Bale is a better Batman than Michael Keaton (God, that hurt to say), but, in my opinion, Cillian Murphy (28 Days Later) stole the film. Murphy’s matter-of-fact portrayal as Scarecrow left me wanting more. Hell, even Michael Caine (whose work I usually hate) was very good!

Look, I know no one gives a rat’s ass about what some movie geek with a blog thinks about a film, so go out and see it yourself. You’ll thank me later.

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