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Eric Holder Loves Him Some Pr0n

By Wyatt Earp | April 17, 2011

That has to be the most rational explanation, right? The only other explanation is that Holder’s Department of Justice – a joke, even by Washington D.C. standards – is refusing to prosecute an entire new genre of cases.

Someone needs to tell the AG that he cannot pick and choose cases.

Of course, if I know Holder’s DoJ, he is probably waiting to go after adult films that only feature white actors.

The catalyst for a renewed fight over pornography is a recent, little-noticed move by Attorney General Eric Holder to shutter the Obscenity Prosecution Task Force, a special Justice Department unit set up during the Bush administration under pressure from conservatives upset about the proliferation of obscene material on the Internet. Critics say the decision reflects a lack of interest in prosecuting such cases.

“Attorney General Holder told the Judiciary Committee last year that this task force was the centerpiece of the strategy to combat adult obscenity,” Sen. Orrin Hatch [said on] Friday. “Rather than initiate a single new case since President Obama took office, however, the only development in this area has been the dismantling of the task force.

Now don’t get me wrong; I couldn’t care less if the government cracks down on porn and other “obscenities.” I do care, however, when the Department of Justice fails to do its job. And lack of prosecution has been a cornerstone of Holder’s regime.

Topics: Politics | 14 Comments »

14 Responses to “Eric Holder Loves Him Some Pr0n”

  1. GroovyVic Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 1:14 pm

    I know someone who works for the DoJ. He’s a fellow blogger, in fact. I met him when I went to DC a couple years ago, and believe it or not, he’s very conservative all the way around.

  2. Wyatt Earp Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 1:20 pm

    GroovyVic – They’re few and far between, but they exist. Shame his current boss is such a tool.

  3. Jon Brooks Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 2:04 pm

    This reminds me of one of my favorite Far Side cartoons.
    Two policemen are standing by a wierd guy dressed in a chicken suit while bouncing on springs with a mallet in his hand. Behind him are many unconcious people laying on the sidewalk with knots growing out of their heads from the mallet. One policeman is scratching his head looking at a piece of paper and says: “By God! He does have a license to do this.” This Holder twit thinks he has a license to do anything he wants also. Only thing is there is no joke in it.

  4. ed Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    Jon, I remember that Far Side cartoon. I’ll bet you’ll like this one too.

    On a more serious note, this latest Holder shenanigan seems less egregious to me than some of his others.

    One of the requirements of law enforcement (or any sort of management/leadership) is you have to prioritize where your scarce resources go. And honestly, although I don’t favor a blanket amnesty for obscenity, if I was Attorney General, I’d marshal most of my forces on other fronts.

  5. ed Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    GroovyVic Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 1:14 pm
    I know someone who works for the DoJ. He’s a fellow blogger, in fact.

    Hey Groovy Vic, could you post this guys blog address? I mean, unless you think he can’t withstand the Wyatt-alanch of simply tens of thous…of simply several viewers.

  6. ed Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 2:57 pm

    Chicago officer beats off dildo-wielding bill-skipper
    Crab Shack mock cock cop attack shock

    Seriously Wyatt, what the hell? Are you Philly guys doing some sort of jail-release bus transfer to Chicago?

    Cuz this has your “True Detective Stories” written all over it.

  7. Kim Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 3:09 pm

    Forgive me for being slow here. I’m going to try to translate this into my own form of gibberish.

    Pornography is illegal in DC? Or the making of pornography is illegal in DC? And although illegal, it is still happening (shocking!) and Holder doesn’t care and refuses to prosecute.

    All this does remind me of a joke.

    What’s the difference between prostitution (illegal) and pornography (legal)?

    A camera.

  8. ed Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 3:29 pm

    Kim Says:

    April 17th, 2011 at 3:09 pm
    Forgive me for being slow here. I’m going to try to translate this into my own form of gibberish.

    Pornography is illegal in DC? Or the making of pornography is illegal in DC?


    No, pornography isn’t illegal. Obsenity is. Or at least the Supreme Court has said that obsenity doesn’t have first amendment protection.

    So what is obsenity? Something that is held to have no artistic merit and shocks the values of the community.

    What does that mean in reality?

    Well, anal sex and facial cum shots are pornography, and thus have first amendment protection. Anal sex and facial cum shots along with simulated chokeing of the lady in question are considered obsenity. Or they have been in the past.

    Max Hardcore is a case in point. His pornography was pretty standard, except for the fact that he added a new wrinkle to it. Instead of finishing with the standard “money shot” on the porno chicks face, he’d add stuff like smacking her, or choking her, or doing stuff like cracking a bunch of eggs on her skull and dropping the egg onto her face and mouth while she was sucking him off.

    Eventually, he got busted and convicted.

    And your explanation of the difference between pornography and prostitution is legally spot on. No joke. In the state of California.

    Basically, the CA state supreme court made the decision that sex for money was prostitution, but that depicting sex on film was acting for money. Which is not prostitution.

    No other state has made this ruling, which is part of the reason that the porn industry is so concentrated in California.

  9. Kim Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 4:43 pm

    So a girl can give a guy a blow job for money as long as a camera is rolling and eggs are not being broken over her head. Got it.

  10. ed Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 5:29 pm

    Kim Says:

    April 17th, 2011 at 4:43 pm
    So a girl can give a guy a blow job for money as long as a camera is rolling and eggs are not being broken over her head. Got it.

    Well… yes, as long as you keep in mind the following.

    U.S. law also states that any adult industry production company must also keep records of all performers age to ensure they are 18 or older. This is Title 18, Section 2257, and it states that there must be a a Custodian of Records that documents and holds records of the ages of all performers.

    In addition, public indecency statues must not be violated.

    Not to mention adult film permits need to be obtained.

    But yeah, all of the above are just regulations surrounding the filming of a blow job for money / adult film production.

  11. Kim Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 5:42 pm

    I think I will stick with breaking eggs in a skillet and my husband paying for blow jobs with a life time marital contract.

  12. Jon Brooks Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 7:58 pm

    One of the supreme court justices also said they(thus the average person) would …know pornography when they saw it. Hmmm take a look at the picture at top of this post…lol

  13. Jon Brooks Says:
    April 17th, 2011 at 8:01 pm

    Ed- Thanks. I think I remember that one from long ago
    also, still funny.

  14. Ingineer66 Says:
    April 18th, 2011 at 5:43 pm

    Umm, has a girl ever gave a blowjob that was NOT for money?
