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Crack Whores Are Getting Healthy Now

By Wyatt Earp | May 18, 2011

Drug addicts never cease to amaze me. Not only do they thing they are smarter than the average human being, but they get really desperate when they need a fix. With desperation comes bargaining. With bargaining comes teh funneh.

Take this knucklehead from Utah, for instance. She was so desperate for some coke that she decided to wheel and deal for it. Monty Hall she was not.

A woman has been arrested after authorities say she asked an undercover officer to give her drugs in exchange for a salad. The 33-year-old woman approached the officer who was working on a Salt Lake City street corner known for drug sales. Police say she asked the officer for $10 worth of cocaine, but said she only had $2 and a salad in a to-go box.

She told the undercover officer she could return a little later with more money or some restaurant gift cards. (H/TSmite)

I guess she wanted to sprinkle the cocaine on her salad like Bac-O’s.

Topics: The Job | 3 Comments »

3 Responses to “Crack Whores Are Getting Healthy Now”

  1. Dannytheman Says:
    May 18th, 2011 at 9:04 pm

    I guess they don’t have soup kitchens in Utah, they have Salad kitchens.
    It’s things like this that make cops wake up in the morning. Knowing how truly stupid people are makes me feel brilliant!

  2. Jon Brooks Says:
    May 18th, 2011 at 9:26 pm

    Romaine for cocaine?

  3. Loaded Dice in Vegas Says:
    May 18th, 2011 at 11:53 pm

    Dan Simon was right “Crime Makes You Stupid”.
