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Philadelphia City Council: Fat And Happy

By Wyatt Earp | April 2, 2009

<i>City Council President Anna Verna. She must have been something before electricity.</i>

City Council President Anna Verna. She must have been something before electricity.

And they are fiddling while my city burns.

When a politician says, “I’m entitled,” he’s trying - unsuccessfully - to defend the indefensible.

Philadelphia City Council President Anna C. Verna used the E-word last week to justify her cash grab from the city’s controversial Deferred Retirement Option Program.

The economy’s in the tank and Mayor Nutter is so desperate to balance the budget he’s resorted to the nuclear option: tax hikes. But City Council is as fat and happy as ever.

Council already wrangled an 11 percent budget boost used to reward staffers, my colleague Jeff Shields reports. And a half-dozen Council members will soon pocket $2.1 million in retirement incentives, even if none of them retires.

This, my friends, is the result of 60+ years of uninterrupted Democrat rule.

Verna doesn’t get the fuss.

Why should she be denied the $571,679 perk that so nicely complements her city-issued Crown Vic, nine-month work year, $140,864 salary, and hefty pension for life?

“I think,” Verna said of the DROP in her bucket, “I’m entitled to it.”

Actually Anna, you’re entitled to be put out to pasture, you deceitful cow!

This is why Philadelphia City Council is such a joke. Entrenchment leads to entitlement. No good comes from either.

If City Council had a reputation for innovative initiatives and real reform, I might overlook the greed. But, mostly, members just oppose funding cuts, star in their own scandals, and preserve patronage.

“What this city needs,” agrees political consultant Neil Oxman, “is a new revolution: 17 real people running on an independent ticket to ‘Kick the bums out.’ ” (H/T -

Truer words were never spoken. Unfortunately, the average Philadelphia voter is an uninformed dolt who either votes straight along Party lines, or (in the case of council) always votes for the incumbent.

It’s a huge sh*t sandwich, and we’re all gonna have to take a bite.

Topics: Philly, Politics |

12 Responses to “Philadelphia City Council: Fat And Happy”

  1. Morgan Says:
    April 2nd, 2009 at 4:47 pm

    Unfortunately, the average Philadelphia voter is an uninformed dolt who either votes straight along Party lines, or (in the case of council) always votes for the incumbent.

    Which explains the sixty+ years of Democrat rule in the city.

    It’s a huge sh*t sandwich, and we’re all gonna have to take a bite.

    The worst part of it is the dolts won’t realize the connections.

  2. RT Says:
    April 2nd, 2009 at 4:48 pm

    When I saw this on the news last week, I was just befuddled (I know I shouldn’t be). They are elected officials, and even though in Philly that can be confused with full-time, lifetime public employment (snark), it is not right. Explain that to kids who don’t have enough class sets of books in their classroom (or up-to-date ones). Tell that to anyone impacted by their manipulation of this way of getting more money.

    I thought I’d include the clip I saw last week. For those not from the area, Ann Verna’s “huh?” look is at the end. This is Philly. Sad.

  3. AJ Lynch Says:
    April 2nd, 2009 at 4:49 pm

    The real villain is the dumbass liberal columnist Monica Yant (and her many Inquirer colleagues) who I suspect have never even considered voting for anyone other than a Democrat.

  4. Wyatt Earp Says:
    April 2nd, 2009 at 6:46 pm

    Morgan - It’s a vicious cycle that will never end. Our best “hope” for “change” is to land a moderate Dem. I thought Nutter would be it. Nope.

    RT - And she is our own Nancy Pelosi. Unreal.

    AJ - It’s fashionable to condemn now. That’s the only reason for this piece.

  5. AJ Lynch Says:
    April 2nd, 2009 at 7:19 pm

    Good point Wyatt. I agree with you. They will however leave Nutter alone.

  6. Mrs. Crankipants Says:
    April 2nd, 2009 at 7:25 pm

    Maybe I’ll take my kid to the next city council meeting and have Anna Verna explain to him why our local pool will be closed this summer. Old Sea Hag.

  7. Wyatt Earp Says:
    April 2nd, 2009 at 10:21 pm

    Mrs. Crankipants - Like she cares about you, your kid, or the pool? She only cares about what’s good for Anna.

  8. Bitter American Says:
    April 2nd, 2009 at 11:43 pm

    I wonder how many fire trucks they could operate on Verna’s income?

  9. USA_Admiral Says:
    April 3rd, 2009 at 6:04 am

    I guess we got the dumb criminal masterminds and you guys got the Political masterminds?

    So that is what democratic rule is like.

  10. Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET Says:
    April 3rd, 2009 at 6:40 am

    Sort of like the libtard that told me my retired pay, medical and full exchange and commissary privleges were entitlements. In contrast to said politician, mine were actually EARNED.
    Said libtard was a full dues paying member of the IAM & AW, who got hired due to family connections and had difficulty when installing a solid rivet. Hmmmmmmmmm?

  11. Jon Brooks Says:
    April 3rd, 2009 at 8:26 am

    You be careful Wyatt I work for a city too, and this column just might have..CRUSHED..a few toes:) LOL And we both know about the insider..Get em..grapvine. So really..”You be careful out there”. Bravery wise..kudos to ya:) The only thing that kept me from being a cop 35 years ago was..I stammer (guess that explains why I type alot though). Glad I didnt get accepted I might have gone nuts and taken a few of ‘the entitled’ along with me “long before” now.

  12. Lergnom Says:
    April 3rd, 2009 at 2:52 pm

    Yannow, when I see stuff like this, it gets more and more difficult to keep a positive outlook about our not being Chicago or Detroit.
