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"Kick His Ass, Sea Bass!"

By Wyatt Earp | June 9, 2005

Dennis Leary is doing backflips.

Why? Because his favorite hockey player/idol/love interest Cam Neely has been elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame. Neely, who played for the Boston Bruins for a decade, was chosen over such standouts as former Edmonton Oilers defenseman (my personal favorite) Kevin Lowe and forward Glenn Anderson. As much a grinding, physical forward as a scoring threat, Neely reached fifty goals in just forty-four games during the 1993-94 season – third-fastest in NHL history.

Of course, for those non-hockey fans, most of you will remember Neely from his fabulous performance as “Sea Bass” in “Dumb and Dumber.”

Congratulations, Cam!

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